Our finished games
This Elektra is gorgeous, new legs, side rails, playfield glass, coin door skin mouldings, hard top on all 3 playfields, CPR clear main playfield, red flipper buttons, full plastic set, ear rubbers, all flipper bats, posts, all plastic 555 lamp holders replaced with metal 44, all controlled lamps replaced with led board direct LEDs, all 6 flippers rebuilt, new rectifier boards, CPU, driver board, light board, blue led displays, backglass isn't perfect and has been triple thicked on lower portion, there is a source for repro backglass I have his info, cabinet fully restored stripped to wood, repaired, primed, shit base color and stencils, game plays amazing and fast! Playfield glasses removed for photos and of course will be installed, this I built for my personal collection but I got in a few other old Ballys I would prefer to keep! Don't let this one get away!
Price $6000
Price $6000
Williams Police Force
Here is a down right beautiful Police Force, clearcoated playfield, all new ramps, Led blue displays, Blue powdercoat, cabinet fully restored with new decals and correct rear warning screened on, flippers fully rebuilt with new coils and bats, clear rubbers, full plastic set, all hardware tumbled and ultrasonic cleaned, all mechs rebuilt, new drop targets, decals, firing range decal, all pop bumpers full new parts body's, wafers, caps. New playfield glass will be installed, removed for pictures. Game plays incredible and looks amazing!
Price $6000
Price $6000
Williams Gorgar
Here is a gorgeous Gorgar I built but have no room for in my collection, lots of new parts:
Price $6000
- Pinballpcb CPU/Driver combo and sound card.
- White led displays
- Comet LEDs
Price $6000
Gottlieb Jumping Jack
This Jumping Jack is one of the nicest EM's I have ever built! Started with stripping cabinet to wood, fixing all problems, repainted. Webbed, stencils painted, has custom red powdercoated trim, new playfield glass, repro backglass, lighted flipper buttons, new coin door and parts. Playfield was scanned and given to a graphic artist who redid everything, professional overlay made and installed. Sealed over with automotive clear. This is not a typical overlay seen on lots if machines, all inserts were removed and flattened then playfield clearcoated, sanded down, overlay installed. Then auto cleared. Top of playfield all new part, posts, lane guides, plastic set, pop bumper assy's, flipper bats. All 4 flipper mechs fully rebuilt. All hardware tumble polshed, All mechs and switches gone through and adjusted in head and lower cabinet.
There are probably lots more I am forgetting.
Game plays beautifully!
Price $3000
There are probably lots more I am forgetting.
Game plays beautifully!
Price $3000